Wednesday, December 21, 2005

'Four Notes' as a soundtrack [Junction video by J. Coelho]

It was in early-90's when I collaborated few years with Belgian media artist Jacques Coelho. I haven't seen Jacques for some 8 years until December 12th, 2005, I met him in Jyväskylä. I gave him my cd Momentum. Few days later he emailed me and asked if he could use my composition Four Notes as a soundtrack in his video work Junction. He told me that he has worked with the video some 3-4 years, and it will be finished in January 2006 for his upcoming exhibition. He already had music in his video work, but wanted to take it away and use Four Notes.

When we met he gave me a sheet music page. It was very rare and personally important music for Jacques. The piece was composed around 1870 by his grand-grand father, D. Coelho, who was a violinist in Symphony Orchestra of Brussel, Belgium. The title of the piece is Prélude de mon concerto le plus savant. I promised to make a MIDI version of the sheet page and when I did it, I sent the file to Jacques, who hasn't heard the work never before.

The Junction is 8 minute long video. Jacques' idea is to use that D. Coelho's music section in the beginning of the video. It is 30 second long. After that starts my Four Notes, which is 7:30 long.


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